Difference between Iphone and Androids


When we see iPhone or  Android phone , what strikes us the most is the difference in design between the devices and also the price.

The iPhone is eye-catching for being an Apple product , with a best design and operating system (iOS), while Android offers us cell phones with big screens, different models, prices and brands.

How to choose the best model?

The main questions you should ask yourself when buying a smartphone are:

  • What do you think to do with it;
  • How much time do you want to spend?
  • What are your priorities on a cell phone.

iOS system

Apple's operating system is iOS . Its speed and functions are very effective and there are hardly any viruses for this type of system, in addition to having iCloud that saves your mobile files and allows you to access them from anywhere on the Apple website with your Apple login. App Store 

The “apps” are what turn your device into a multimedia platform with your profile. 

The availability of free “apps” from Apple is slightly higher than that of the Google store.

The iPhone has a simple language, making it easy to use the device to find functions and “apps”. The internal memory and ranges from 8GB to 64GB, directly affecting the cost of the device.

The main change between iPhones is the generations (4, 4S, 5, 5s, etc) that develop new features to the device, but with the same “standard” system, what usually changes is the speed, camera resolution and different options for image capture, thickness, weight, among others.

The “bad thing” is that the prices of Apple phones do not vary much and are in the range of R$1,300.00 to R$3,600.00

Android System.

Android is an operating system by the Google made for several brands , such as HTC, Samsung, Motorola, etc. Its software is open-source,  which allows anyone to modify the settings, whether the user or the device manufacturer. Its mean, you can customize your mobile phone making it unique, with your face.

There are dozens of custom Roms and almost all devices accept memory card, that is, unlike Apple that has internal memory, you can buy a 8GB to 16GB Android device and put a card with more 64GB without it affecting the value of your device .

In addition to having a storage system similar to iCloud, called Google Drive, which gives you 15GB of free storage, while Apple only stores 5GB of information on your device.

Because it has several features, handling the device to find the functions - "apps" and etc - becomes more complicated for those who are not attuned to technologies.

Difference between Iphone and Androids

There are numerous differences and we will show them here for you:

  • The brand of the device;
  • Camera resolution quality from device to device;
  • Weight;
  • Thickness;
  • Size;
  • Processor;
  • Graphics, etc.

There are several models, prices and brands, making the buyer's choice wider. This calls for more research into what you want in your phone and how much you want to spend.

For example, the Samsung Galaxy S6 is a “top of the line” Android with all the features, but its price is R$ 2,500.00. There are simpler models, with fewer features, from other brands that cost R$300.00.

I could see that the iPhone and Android have their advantages and disadvantages, differences and similarities.

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