In this article, I will told you steps that will allow you to create a channel on YouTube.


First of all, we will see how to create a channel on YouTube from a mobile.

To create a channel on YouTube, you must go to the site and click on register.

It is also possible to download the YouTube app from the Play Store for Android or the App Store for Apple.

To create an account, you must enter your name, first name, e-mail address and password. 

YouTube will therefore send an e-mail with a confirmation link to confirm the creation of its account and you will be registered!

Once registered and logged in, you can click on your profile image and on “My Channel” to personalize your account and your YouTube channel: name, banner, logo and description.

You can post a video to YouTube channel from your phone.

 To do this, click on the camera at the top of the application and select the video file to upload. 

You can, while uploading, add the description of the video, its title and tags to better reference the video on YouTube.

You can also launch a live Video by clicking on “Go live”. YouTube will then notify users subscribed to your Youtube channel who have activated notifications that you have just launched a live broadcast.


Here We will create a channel on YouTube from a computer.

First of all go to its website

You must click the top right of the page on "Register" and enter the requested information: surname, first name, e-mail and password. 

Make sure you choose a hard-to-find password, you don not want your YouTube channel stolen.

You must then go to your e-mail to confirm your subscription and you are ready to personalize your YouTube channel. 

It is possible to modify everything: your banner, the profile picture of your channel, its name and its description.

To upload a video, go to the upload tool by clicking on the camera icon in the top right. It is possible to launch a live or upload a video.

When uploading the video, you will have time to write a video title, a description and also to add tags to better reference the video on YouTube. 

It's important to look after the presentation because that's how more people will watch your youtube videos.

In the "My channel" tab, you have the "Creator Studio" button which allows you to access content for youtube creators, that is to say people who post videos, who create content.

You also have access to your YouTube channel. evolution of views on videos, revenue generated, advice from YouTube. 

For future international Youtube Creators, you have the "Subtitles and translation" tab which allows you to create subtitle for your video. Thus, they will be accessible to more people.

So. You all know everything about how to create your YouTube channel. But to become a YouTuber, it's not just about creating a youtube channel, you also have to maintain it! 

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